Sunday, 7 February 2016

Nigerian lesbian woman exposed in the UK for tricking a man into getting her pregnant to avoid cost of IVF

Aisha Atan and Kafayat Adegoke. 
A Nigerian student, 30-year-old Kafayat Adegoke, has been exposed by UK papers for tricking a man into getting her pregnant, all just to avoid the high cost of an IVF procedure. The Sun UK reports that Adegoke began hunting for her men months before, dating three and quizzing each one about his family background and medical history, until she settled for one who she went on to date for two months.

Adegoke, confirming this story in the paper, said she met with her doctor to check how quickly she can get pregnant, and after sleeping with the man for two/three times, she got pregnant and unceremoniously ended the relationship and denied him access to see her.
Adegoke is expecting her baby this June, and when queried on why she chose to use and dump the men just to get pregnant, she said it was to avoid the cost of IVF.

The Nigeria student also said she had always wanted her own child right from when she became aware of her sexuality in Nigeria, and only moved to the UK five years ago.
“Ever since I was a little girl I have yearned for a baby,” Adegoke said, “I looked into IVF and surrogacy but they both seemed quite expensive. I also felt IVF was unnatural. I thought logically and what I needed was a sperm donor and there were plenty of these walking the streets and I could take my pick. “I decided to pretend I was straight and trick a man into getting me pregnant.”
On her sexuality, she said, “In Nigeria, where I grew up, people were ignorant about gay people and I had to date men to be accepted. I would date girls in secret but sleep with men – but I always knew I was a lesbian.”

Currently, Adegoke is dating Aisha Atan. Aisha admitted to feeling shock when Adegoke told her the truth behind the pregnancy, but she began to understand. “She’s my girlfriend and I love her and I hope to be part of the child’s life. I will support her all the way,” Aisha said.
And on how she intends to tell her baby about the conception, Adegoke said, “I will say the father is a sperm donor and not go into detail.”
“People have been shocked when I’ve told them what I have done – but it wasn’t easy for me,” Adegoke said. “I will never sleep with a man again to get pregnant. I am happy with one child. My baby’s dad has tried to contact me a few times but I want nothing to do with him. I don’t regret tricking a man into getting me pregnant. All that matters is my baby.”
Via: The Sun


Nigerian lesbian woman exposed in the UK for tricking a man into getting her pregnant to avoid cost of IVF
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