The Nigerian Custom Service at Onne intercepted six containers loaded with frozen chicken certified by NAFDAC to be poisonous and unsafe for human consumption and were buried in a pit.
However, desperate Nigerians numbering over 200 went to the pit site the next morning, to dig and carted away the poisonous frozen chicken and are currently on distribution in our markets

"We saw scores of people in Eleme/Onne axis (just before trailer Park) carrying raffia bags full of exhumed 'frozen' chickens and turkey. The Nigerian Customs buried them Tuesday, 28th October 2015 after seizing them from the importers".
Upon further inquiries, Kennedy Friday confirmed this happened in Rivers State.
He reported: "I was driving to Bori with my leader when I saw a community of people, after Refinery Junction, digging the ground and bringing up something into their bags. I had to stop and be sure. Lo and behold, Rivers people were digging up contaminated chicken that Customs people buried in the ground. It's true
Are we sane in Nigeria?Dear brethren, we are advised to exercise restrain in the rate of our frozen chicken consumption. The Nigerian Custom Service @ Onne intercepted six containers laden with frozen chicken certified by NAFDAC to be poisonous and unsafe for human consumption and were buried in a pit. However, desperate persons numbering over 200 went to the pit site the next morning, dug and carted away the poisonous frozen chicken and is currently on distribution in our markets. Please be guided and alert others too."We saw scores of people in Eleme/Onne axis (just before trailer Park) carrying raffia bags full of exhumed 'frozen' chickens and turkey. The Nigerian Customs buried them Tuesday, 28th October 2015 after seizing them from the importers".Its well with Nigeria.
Posted by Banke Adetoro on Monday, 9 November 2015